If you fight for your weaknesses, you get to keep them!

Have you ever said something along the lines of “well, I would do try to do what you say, but I’m not good at______ ? 

I’m sure you have; we all have said something similar.

You get inspired to try something or someone suggests a solution to a problem

but, instead of trying, we talk ourselves out of action because of some perceived weakness we have. 

So, you didn’t go on that diet because “you dont have the will power”

you didnt go for that promotion “because you dont have the skills” 

you have a chance to travel or invest in an opportunity but you dont because “you dont have the time or money”

You see what I mean?

Sure, the weaknesses in these examples may be legit but, why are you fighting so hard to keep them?

What do I mean?

Well, instead of seeing a problem (our weakness) and solving it, we just make an excuse, but not change anything!

Why not work on slowly improving these weaknesses instead of making excuses for them?

Well, we do this because we think we cant change.

We are told we dont have the ability and we look at some past experience to “prove it”

Yes, its a lie we tell ourselves to protect our ego (if we try and fail, then we have more “proof!”)

But you must realize that this is exactly what it means to fight for our weaknesses!


Don’t argue for your weakness, argue for your strength! 

So, for now on, dont allow yourself to think “that person has those skills because they are magical or are born with them…so that means I cant have them too”

Why act as if you can’t have these traits and skills??

 Understand you have the same ability to gain skills, traits and abilities as anyone else!

You see something that someone else can do, and you admire that person for it?

Why not go out and learn the skills so you can have them too? 

If you know the person who you admire, I’m sure they will help you gain the skills in question.

Even if the person you admire is a stranger, then its still no problem.

Because,  I promise you there’s a book for every skill you want to learn or problem you want to solve! 

So, you have no excuse to continue to fight for your limitations!

You now know that you can remove all limits with a little bit of effort and desire

You just have to make the decision that you will go for it!