Yup, thats right, I looked into investing into tax liens.
It wasnt even a webinar, I went to an in person event.
I learned some things and I do think that tax liens can fit within a land investors portfolio…
But, I dont think it will be something I would focus heavily on.
Because the returns are much smaller than land investing!
The time frame can be longer too, but that varies by state.
With tax liens, you are lucky to get 30% returns (i cant remember which state would give something like that)
If I got 30% return on a land investment, I would be extremely upset!
I want to double my money at the very least!
I also want control over when I get paid
With a tax lien, you either get paid when the property owner pays back their taxes with interest or the property gets deeded to you.
the thing is, that time can be anywhere from 6 months to 2 years.
With land, i can have the property sold as quickly as a day if I market it to the right people (or I have a dedicated buyers list)
If Im selling a property to a new market, I will probably get my phat returns within 90 days.
Either way, I look for other ways to invest because I want to make sure Im doing what I can to make my money work for me without me doing a lot of work…
But so far, I have yet to find anything better than land investing.
The ease, speed and ROI makes it tough to beat.
-Coach Vic