I dont know about you, but I have a list of quotes that I think are very powerful.
I use these to keep myself motivated because its easy to lose motivation or focus…
Today, I came across one that is a good reminder that I think we all need to hear:
The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones
The thing that stands out to me is that the size of the task doesn’t matter, you just need to start with whatever steps that you can.
For example, you may not know this, but your boy was rally into popping and locking.
When I first started to learn, I was really bad!
I couldn’t control my body the way I wanted…and the result looked like a gangly mess of limbs and funny faces…
(im tall and skinny, dont judge me!)
Anyway, it was a struggle to do the most basic moves.
It was pretty embarrassing to be looking like a jackass trying to do something that I felt my body wasn’t able to do.
People would laugh at me when I would try to practice my new craft during my break time at work. (i worked at target…never again!)
But I kept at it, and stopped caring about my current skill level and focused on the future.
I also realized that just trying stuff was k to get started, but I needed real instruction…
So I bought some materials to help me learn because without that, I would have given up.
It wasn’t long that I was able to pop hard, backslide (you know it as a moon walk) and do some other moves pretty well.
Net thing I knew, I was a competent dancer!
No more people laughing at me, and people started to ask me “how do you do that??”
It didn’t take as long as I thought to get to that point. I just had to practice a lil bit every day.
Little by little, I was able improve, and see my progress…I was able to move my mountain.
I’ve seen people in the land investing space do the same…
But I also seen people who quit after a failed mailer or 2.
I seen people pass up on deals because they weren’t sure how to close the deal.
So, Im just letting you know that your mountain that will be moved wont happen over night./
But, I promise you that it will happen faster than you think if you keep at it everyday.
So, remember “The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones“
What small stones are you going to move this week?
-Coach Vic
P.S. If you ask nicely, I may show you some of my moves.