I swear, this haunts me like a ghost!
I still see flashbacks of my past ”stinkin’ thinkin” come up from time to time.
What I mean is how we can be so programmed with having a job, we expect entrepreneurship to work the same way.
As in, you work X amount and you are guaranteed to get paid Y, and that the work is ”easy”
What I mean by easy is that there are no worries if things work or not, doing the job is enough to get you paid.
I can safely say that a mindset of an employee stopped me more than any other investment or business mistake.
I can recognize it within myself, but its tough to see other people walk down the same dangerous path.
Case in point, I saw a post from a friend looking to get into yet another side hustle.
I don’t mean this as an insult, because this is a good person, and has great goals and aspirations.
Many of the goals are to serve their community and help out with the youth, so I applaud this person.
But here’s why I’m bringing this up.
I know for a fact that this person does not make a lot of money and has a lot of time on their hands.
I also know that this person is not taking a path that will eventually lead them to their goals (either for their career or the social goals I already mentioned)
Ive also seen them jump from ”side hustle to side hustle” and quit very quickly.
I won’t copy+paste the whole post, but I will say that they tried many side hustles like:
- Grocery/Food Delivery
- Brand Ambassadorship
- Selling things online
- Participating in Focus Groups
This person went on to say that these side hustles ”don’t really generate a meaningful return to be worth my time”
But here’s the thing, this person is still DOING these things that doesn’t bring in any real money!
Truth be told, I used to do the same thing…not the side hustle stuff…
But I would continue to do something knowing it would take me further from my goals.
You may be asking why I would keep doing something I knew was hurting me??
I was comfortable with life, even though I wasn””t completely satisfied.
Life wasn’t bad, but I started to allow myself to settle for less
that seemed easier than trying new things or learning new skills.
In hindsight, living a life where I couldn’t do what I wanted, easily pay bills or didn’t have time for my family was MUCH MORE DIFFICULT than reading a book or investing in myself.
Back then, I would say that I was waiting for the ”right time” or some other lie that put my ”lets do this thing for real” date in some distant future.
Real talk, I let my inner-bench warmer control me and my actions…
Anyway, I would jump from side hustle to side hustle, wondering why ”nothing worked”
In reality, it wasn’t the side hustle that didn’t work…but I didn’t WORK!
Unfortunately, my friend is doing the same thing…their next shiny object is becoming a VA for social media management.
This person has a marketing degree, so they feel they could be a social media VA
but instead of putting themselves out there and just doing it…
This person made this post because they, and I quote:
”have already spent money on other different side hustles courses that claimed to help you reach financial freedom and did nothing at all. So I am wary of spending/wasting more money.”
This is the language that stuck out to me the most, because it tells me where this person’s mind is.
MY question for you is this…
if a person claims that the courses ”did nothing at all” and they see this as ”spending/wasting money” do you think that any side hustle they pick will ”work?”
Also, do you really think the course ”did nothing” or didn’t teach this person anything at all?
I’m not a betting man, but I would bet that others took that same course and used it to make real money.
The point I want to make is that an employee mindset will poison a persons mind and how they see the world.
It causes people to look for guarantees where none exist, and use that fact as an excuse to stay stuck in their income problems.
I learned the hard way that nothing in life changes unless the person changes…and that begins with a new mindset.
Its how I got over shiny object syndrome and started to succeed at a consistent high level.
if you are looking to rid yourself of the employee mindset, I recommend booking a call with me so we can make a game plan to change your life.