Okay, I gotta come clean…
I have a large credit card debt I need to repay.
As I have explained in the past, the large debt was part of the reason why I got back into land investing.
but, I never explained HOW I accumulated the large debt!
Before I get into that, I want to ask a question.
When was the last time you got fed up with something in your life?
I mean to the point where you were no longer willing to tolerate it, and you would do anything to change the situation?
(please tell me in the comments)
I found myself at that point many times, but the one time that I remember the most vividly is when I quit my job.
I was making great money as a silicon valley software engineer making video games.
However, I got tired of the office politics and the general boys club nature of the industry.
I wont even go into the job instability!
But one day, I got so fed up with the bullshit, I basically said “fuck it” and I quit on the spot.
It was my birthday in November of 2018, and I decided that I did not want to spend my life this way anymore.
Sure, in that moment I felt good, but it wasnt long that reality set it.
I quit before I was ready!
I may have had some savings, but I didn’t have nearly enough investments.
As in invests in land, a business and most importantly, investments in myself!
So, when I needed a bit of income, I didn’t have the ability “fire up the money printing machine” known as a profitable business…
I didn’t have systems and I didn’t have the confidence to handle the work load
I would procrastinate and get shiny object syndrome.
Yet, I had too much pride to admit I needed help, so I tried to figure it out on my own!
(big mistake!)
I thought just “getting more education” was going to be enough.
Courses, coaching, mentoring, personal development retreats and seminars, I did it all.
It doesn’t matter if the training was live instruction, 1 on 1 coaching, videos, phone calls, or in person events…
I was hungry to succeed…but only on my terms.
As you can see, not having the flexibilty to win in ways I didnt plan on tripped me up.
While most of my credit card debit was all to invest in myself, I did not really use that education!
I was quick to blame the materials or how the information was presented when I didnt get the success I wanted.
I was asking the wrong questions like “did I waste my money?? Why isnt this stuff working??”
That’s when I saw others were getting great results from the same information!
I had to have a long sobering look in the mirror and realize I was the issue.
The common detonator was me; I had this debt because I was not performing.
(this was not a fun conversation)
But I also realized that I had the power to change it all.
In a differnt post, I will go into detail the secrets I “re-discovered” and how I married them with the land investing business model.
I promise to get real with you, so you see it all.
From my thought process, to my fears and insecurities, to how I devise systems and processes (And why I do so)
you don’t want to miss this