How Will Smith Became So Powerful and Influential

Back in the 90s, Will Smith was THE man!

His popularity really took off when he got his own TV sitcom “The Fresh Prince of Bel Air”

If you dont know, the premise of the show is Will, a kid living in south Philadelphia got into trouble with a local gang

so, his mother sent him to live with his extended family in Bel Air California.

The show revolves around Will getting used to his new environment in a very wealthy community

So, you take a hood kid, put him in one of the wealthiest parts of the country, hilarity ensues.

Anyway, I remember being in the 3rd grade quoting his lines and trying my best to be Will Smith.

But, as I got older, he wasn’t as cool to me anymore…

He wasn’t a hard core gansta rapper…so in my angsty teenage years, I stopped caring about him.

I mean, I thought he was a good actor, but overall I felt he was just a corn ball…

But, now as an adult, I’ve come to appreciate him all over again.


Well, his accomplishments are great…

But, the way his approaches life and how he tries to share that message really resonates with me for obvious reasons, lol

But here is a quote of his that I really want you to take in.

“I always considered myself to be just average in talent, and what I have is a ridiculous, insane obsessiveness for practice and preparation.

I know how to learn anything I want to learn.

I absolutely know that I can learn how to fly the space shuttle because someone else knows how to fly it and they put it in a book.

Give me the book, and I don’t need somebody to stand up in front of the class to teach me.

I know I can do it.”

-Will Smith.

This is what I want you to absorb and make it a part of you and you self identity.

The only one who stops you is you!

If you are reading this, you probably already understand this…