How to Develop Your Offer and Simplify Your Path to Customers

This is to answer a question on facebook. Enjoy!

1) find a niche in this land investing space you know about and like enough to become an expert in (or have enough interest to want to become an expert in)

2) Within that niche, become a specialist.

For example, you may love hiking so you probably don’t mind becoming an expert in all things hiking.

But that’s too broad and doesn’t help anybody want to buy your land

So, while the industry would be hiking, to niche down, you can think of the hiking trails you like.

Perhaps you have experience hiking mountainous terrain, so in that case you could niche down to help others who like the same type of hiking trails get their own land to hike on…

or to buy land adjacent to hiking areas where they can camp on.

Now, you have a real focus on the person you can help…but its not enough. Knowing the person, you want to help won’t give you an offer.

3) Next, go find people who fit that avatar, and research the hell out of them.

To do some research on this person, you can go lurk in their Facebook groups and message boards to see what problems they have or things they like to talk about,see the  questions they have and YouTube videos they watch, etc.

So, find out their questions (and if you know the answers, answer them!) see what things they struggle with.

Ask yourself “why are they struggling with this?”

and “did I struggle with this too?”

and many similar questions to help you get into their shoes.

Make a list of common questions your avatar asks or see of there’s a sticky post, a FAQ or some sort of “newb questions” in your groups and message boards to help you.

4) Answer questions in the groups! Start to give real value and show you know your stuff.

Also, this is part of the way you become an expert.

Don’t know the answer they ask? Look it up! Its part of your expert training. This is how you give real insight and value to these groups.

5) Make friends with your avatar (send FB friend requests) so you can have 1 on 1 convos.

See what things your new friends are struggling with.

What are they successful with?

What they like about the industry, etc. (I have a whole empathy map I use to help build out a great avatar)

6) Identify the common problems or patterns that emerge from this research.

A problem that many people struggle with and they either need a more efficient way to solve it, a faster way, or something that you can do with your expertise to truly help and make something easier/better in their lives.

Don’t expect them to know what their real problem is, they will just guess that they need something because they don’t know what they dont know.

7) Form an offer with your land based on this info.

The offer isn’t a real offer yet, just an idea…but you see what a real problem is and you can see how to fix it.

8) Next is to talk to your new friends and help them and let them with what you know and the basis of what your offer.

Help them realize their idea of whats wrong isn’t the true issue.

Then show them how to fix it quickly and easily with your expertise.

See if they are interested in learning more in detail or need help implementing it or whatever.

If they are, see if they are ready to buy!

Interest in something don’t mean they will buy it. People opening their wallets are the real votes we are looking for.

You can play with pricing and messaging, but you will understand this more from conversations and more day to day research.

Now, depending on where you are, you may be able to skip a step or 3…but I’ve found that this works well.