How to deal with Anxiety in your business


This is a word that has been getting a lot of screen time lately.

Personally, its a mixed blessing that we are paying more attention to this.

On one hand, when a person truly needs help with this and other mental issues, they understand they can get it, and wont be stigmatized when they do reach out for help.

On the other hand, those of us who love to play the victim game will latch on to any excuse to show people that something else was out of our control and our failure is not our fault.

I will write more about that in the future.

Anyway, when you start on this entrepreneurial journey…no even when you have been on this entrepreneurial journey for years you can still have anxiety about the business.

Well, the good news is that this type of anxiety is pretty easy to treat.

You dont need any drugs or therapy for this as well.

In fact, At first, I was hesitant to even label this is anxiety…but this is standard definition of the word:

a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.

Now, like me, I’m sure you have felt this.

You may even be feeling it right now because you want to get started on your path to financial and time freedom, but you haven’t taken any action.

If you are ready now, you know what to do (if not contact me asap)

For others, I’m willing to bet the root cause of this anxiety is the fact you know you should do something that will get you results, but you haven’t done it.

In other words, anxiety is caused by inactivity!

Sometimes the task you have been putting off is a simple one time thing…

…and thats the issue.

Anything easy to do is easy NOT to do.

In situations like this, I usually like to drop everything I’m currently doing and get that task done as soon as I feel the pang of anxiety.

You have to train yourself to do this, by just doing this a few times…but its an easy skill to master.

Maybe the task is a long, difficult (or maybe just tedious) .

In those situations, I schedule it in my day.

I block out 30 mins or an hour just to do the task.

I make sure to put on some music that will help me focus, turn off my phone, and get to work.

When I do that, I notice that many times, I complete the task faster than I anticipated.

However, sometimes I dread blocking time out of my day to do that….and sometimes there are those tasks, that you don’t know how long it will take, or what it will entail.

When I have those situations, all I do is tell myself “I’m going to work on this task for only 10 seconds” 

Then I start the task. When 10 seconds comes up, I have the right to stop and finish it later, but a funny thing happens.

Because I can stop doing the task with a well deserved break (i did work 10 whole seconds! lol) I want to continue a little longer.

So I give myself 1 more minute.

Now, I’m in the groove. I keep working.

The minute is up, and I’m catching fire.

Now I give myself 5 more minutes.

Then 10 minutes…then 30, then 1 hour.

Usually I’m done before the hour is up.

The 10 second rule can really help you turn a day that’s full of anxiety, disappointment and otherwise malaise

(a general feeling of discomfort, illness, or uneasiness whose exact cause is difficult to identify.) with a feeling of accomplishment, pride and a sense of greater future potential!

Ready to take action now?