How to build confidence before you have the experience

This one little mind tweak can pay off big for you and your confidence.

Now, if you have been following my sage advice, you should be slowly becoming more confident in your abilities to do…well…anything.

Sure, I always speak to you about making money and building a lifestyle by design

But the same steps can be done for anything in your life.

But, its easy to say affirmations out loud, or do the small things daily when you are motivated.

Its also easy to do these things when you have someone in your corner pushing you to be great…

…but what about those times when you have crunchy ass haters trying to tell you the opposite?

Or worse…what about the times you THINK the crunchy ass haters will say something to you before you are ultra-successful??

First off, fuck those guys.

Broke people always got opinions about shit they know nothing about!

That opinion is usually negative too…because their lives sucks, they think everything sucks

Or everything is a scam

Or nobody can succeed because they’ve given up on their dreams.

Its why I always tell you to only listen to people that have the success you want!

But, sometimes their negative runs so deep, that it has infected how you think.

This will cause you to 2nd guess yourself!

This is dangerous, and you must ignore that voice in your head!

How do you do that?

Whenever you feel this negative voice getting louder, you must nip it in the bud.

Literally tell that voice to “shut up” (feel free to add more curse words)

Then say the exact opposite…. but out loud.

Its something I found helpful, and keeps me from going insane with doubt.

Here’s an example:

I’m learning new things about SEO (search engine optimization) to help me generate more income online. 

Since this is a new skill, and is different than what I’m used to.

I worry that I won’t understand it.

I worry that it’s too much work for the effort.

I worry or the stuff I learn is already out of date.

You see all that?

It’s all made up bullshit!

So, in my head I say “Shut up! Stop being a lil wimp!

Then out loud I say “I am good at everything I do! I learn new skills easily and they all help me generate the income I choose!

The words I say here are from the affirmations I say daily…but I imagine that saying anything positive like that will work.

Try this out next time the thought of doing something that you need to do seems tough or too much work.

Last thing.

If you have a linked in account, make sure you update it.

I’ll tell you why soon…