I’m sure you’ve heard me mention the scarcity or broke mindset a time or 2.
I talk about the scarcity mindset a lot because a lot of people’s problems stem from it.
This isn’t just personal problems, but also problems with the world at large
The thing is, all the people with the scarcity mindset (which is like 97% of the population) make the mistake how the economy works.
Wealthy individuals understand how the economy ACTUALLY works, and use this knowledge to get richer.
In general, the average person views the economy like an apple pie.
They feel that in order for someone to get their slice, they take it from the pie as a whole.
Some feel bad because they feel that there’s less pie for everyone else.
This is also why people think that the rich need to give their money away and redistribute the wealth.
Don’t get me wrong, there’s a lot of shady stuff happening in Washington with giant corporations that needs to be fixed…
…and there are a lot of politicians and business people who should be behind bars!
but it’s not because they are hoarding the money
(there’s plenty of money for everyone, but if you don’t get it, a rich person will!!)
Anyway, Im letting you know, the economy is not like a pie.
In fact, its the opposite.
The economy is a garden, and not an apple pie.
In my garden, I have apples I like to give out.
Now you may be saying
“if someone eats that apple, then nobody else can eat that apple”
and that’s true,
but you know whats left after they eat that apple? 6+ apple seeds.
and when you plant those seeds, what do you get?
Another apple tree…maybe 6 apple tress!
Each tree with countless amounts of apples.
So, that means there are 6 more tress from my 1 apple
See how me giving out 1 apple lead to countless more apple having the ability to get an apple?
How many pies can I make from doing that??
Here’s the thing, giving an apple away isnt just charity, it’s providing service or a product that people need.
I get paid for it, then I can spend that money to others who are in business who provide services and products I need (or want)
Now, I know you still may be skeptical
(and that’s good! dont even trust my advice, verify it on your own)
But here’s something you can do to test out this “garden theory“
Next time you go out to a restaurant, guess how much you will order in advance.
You usually know how much you will spend on a meal (or how much you want to spend)
If you are with guests, go ahead and ask if they have a price range on what they want to spend.
Next, calculate the tip on that amount and give that tip+ a bit extra the waiter before he serves you any food.
Pull him/her to the side and as you hand them the money discretely, they will prob look surprised.
That’s when you say
“this is for the great service you are about to give us…thank you for taking care of us“
First off, notice the level of service you get!
Secondly, what do you think that server can do with that money?
In reality, doesn’t matter what they use it for, but that money just blessed his/her life, and I bet you he/she will pay it forward.
Buying things they need and want…putting money into the economy and feeling good in the process
Now, that’s what I call planting a seed!!
-Coach Vic