Yeah, you read that right…
I made money selling a swamp.
Let me explain.
I bought a property back in Feb from a guy who I sent a mailer to 6 years ago.
side note: I was not surprised to get this guy calling me years later since my mailing techniques are undefeated
Anyway, I notice that the land the guy want was a desert square and I was instantly turned off.
Not only was it in the middle of nowhere, but it was super small!
I tell the guy “naw, I’m good” and that’s when he tells me he has a bunch of land in many states that he wants to sell.
So I take a look and most if not all are complete garbage, so I was ready to pass on all of them except 2.
Why did these 2 stand out?
Well, on the surface, they looked like small lots that people would want, esp. compared the esp. other stuff.
They were accessible, cheap, and were of a decent size.
As I go thru my propriety due diligence process, I found out one of the 2 parcels was heavily restricted in ways that would make selling it a PITA (these were some “hidden” restrictions that most people miss)
Anyway, that I was left with 1 property that I was willing to take a chance on.
Now, if I was paying attention, I would have realized if all the property he had was crap, this last “good one” would be just as crappy.
But I didn’t notice.
Ya see, when I looked up the property, a tool I used gave me the wrong location!
In other words, the property I was buying vs the one I researched were 2 different parcels.
So I buy it and later realize my mistake.
The property I thought I was buying was a decent property in a developed neighborhood.
What I really bought was a swamp parcel a mile away that’s near a lake.
That means the property was completely unbuildable.
However, Ive been in this game a long time and theres one thing I realize…all land sells.
So, I turn up my marketing game and had hella people look at the property.
I had so many people look at it one of the neighbors was tired of all the traffic!
The neighbor contacts me and offers to buy the swamp so people would stop coming to see it.
I bought the swamp lot for $800, sold it for $1000.
I may have been able to get more for it, but I was glad to make a few bucks and be done with it.
Why am I telling you this?
Because as you can see my acquisition and sales techniques work.
If I can get someone from years ago to contact me to sell a property to me…
and if I can sell a swamp in a few months because I had so many real leads look at the property…
What do you think happens when I have a half way decent property?
You already know.
Now, if you want to know how I did both things, you should join me for my masterclass.
As I explained yesterday, I moved it May 22nd so I can give myself time to prepare after dealing with my website issues.
Now that everything is sorted with the website (I think) and the swamp has been sold, its time to give you some game.
Register here:
Escape Velocity MasterclassOh yeah, I’m giving everyone who attends live a free gift too…its my way of saying thanks for your patience.
Anyway, ill see you soon.
-Coach Vic
P.S. register now since my zoom is a regular zoom account, so I can only hold so many people. if you are too slow, you wont get in