Pay dirt!
You see this check?
This is the result of taking a measly $1500 to purchase 3 lots not long ago, and applying the escape velocity strategy in land investing to grow it into $8500.
That’s a 466.67% ROI.
The thing is, this is far from my best ROI percentage.
So, how did I grow $1500 into $8500, and how long did it take?
Well, I normally don’t keep track of how one investment flows into the next, but I’m starting to now since I think you would benefit to see the nitty-gritty of this business.
Back in Aug of 2020, I bought 3 lots in TX for $1500 (that’s $500 per lot)
I sold them a week or 2 later for $6000 to someone.
They were supposed to pay me with a payment plan, but they disappeared on me after only paying around $2000 total.
(I forgot about that $2000, I should have calculated it in my ROI to sound like king ding-a-ling lol)
Anyway fast forward a bit and I get a text from a buyer, asking if I had more lots in a certain area.
I just happen to have a lead on 2 more lots that I needed $4000 in cash for.
The problem is that I didn’t have $4000 available, so I wasn’t sure if I was gonna buy those lots.
But once I got demand for the lots, I knew I had to figure out a solution.
That’s when I told my buyer “I got something for you, and I would sell them to you for $8500”
(note: I had no idea how I would get this done)
After they agreed to that purchase price, I had to figure out how to get this done.
At first, I was scared I would lose out on a nice payday and ruin my reputation, but that’s when I remember the 3 lots that I have that I could resell.
I quickly went to a list of previous buyers and got on the phone, and in an hour or so, I sold those 3 lots a previous buyer, all for $4000 cash that I needed.
Why did I sell it for 2k less, was it because I already collected $2k from someone else?
Hell no!
I had another deal on the table, and I needed exactly $4000 ASAP, theres no time to be greedy!
While I’m sure I could have held out to get a higher price if I had time, taking care of my repeat buyer with a smoking deal and a speedy payday was much more important!
That means a few hours later, I had the $4000 so I immediately bought 2 other lots for $2000 each.
After the Texas winter storm slowed things down a bit, I had the deed in hand, ready to sell my new lots to my original buyer.
That’s they mailed the check and I took the photo that you see here.
So, this particular story took a few months, only because I waited so long to resell the lots, but the real action all took place in a matter of weeks.
I went from having no free cash to a check of $8500
I challenge anyone to find an investment model that can do the same consistently and safely.
I don’t think it exists outside of land investing.
You see how land investing changed my life, what do you think it can do for you?