How can you get 2 sales a week for a month straight??

Yeah…Im just as shocked as you are.

2 sales a week for a month straight…

This was what a student of mine just told me he did the last 4 weeks.

And that with some deals falling thru, which means he coulda had more deals in the same time period!

Heres the thing tho, he felt that Dec of 2023 thru the first week of Feb of 2024 was slow.

If you let him tell it, he thought he would never sell the properties

(hes only had them for a few months…but I get how long that can feel esp when you need the sale to pay bills)

Anyway, do you know what he did to increase his sales?

Well, he didnt use no punk ass AI or spend more on tools or VAs.

He just got back to the basics of what I showed him.

In fact, he went beyond that, he started being really selective with his properties and only sent offer letters to properties he wanted

(something I show all of my students how to do, but not many do it because it can be time consuming)

Then, instead of using a mailing service, he mailed the letters himself with a custom message for each owner.

Finally, he developed relationships with builders and other land buyers in the area and gave them great deals.

Again, nothing he did was driven by spending more money, it was about being intentional with his time and doing the research like a true land investor

I wont share how much he made in those 4 weeks, but I will say that it was a sizeable amount of money that anyone would gladly take.

With that said, Ill be sharing some of what I taught him during my next private zoom masterclass.

The next class is happening Next Wed on the 20th!

Im pretty sure you are already registered, but if not, register here before its too late.

My zoom can only host so many people, so make sure you sign up asap because its first come, first serve

Its gonna be a lot of fun and Im excited to share with you some cool stuff Ive been doing.

Get ready for the 20tt…talk soon,

-Coach Vic

2 sales a week for a month straight tho? Damn!