Heaven or Hell? Why not Both??

You know, I’ve noticed that lately I’ve been more motivated by 2 different extremes.

The heaven (or a glorious future)

Or the hell (or a really bleak way to see my current life)

So, I figure that this could be a good way to get myself to take action in the moment.

So, what I’m thinking ins that with my Heaven and Hell motivation ™ (DON’T STEAL IT! Lol)

I will use both triggers at once.

For my personal hell, I will look at something that pains me to see.

It could be a low bank account balance, all the “toys” I can’t buy myself just yet, the lack of free time, or any other issues that can really bother me.

The key is to have a physical reminder of my own personal hell.

Like a printed-out version of my bank balance, or a having my bills nearby, or a print out of my credit card balance.

Those physical reminders are gonna hit me hard…especially since many of these things are easy to keep out of sight and out of mind without the Heaven and Hell motivational technique.

When they are font and center however, I will be forced to have a constant reminder that I don’t have time to put things off!

I can’t just watch 1 quick YouTube video when I got bills to pay!

I can’t just take a nap when I got credit card debt building!

Ya see what I’m sayin’?

But, I gotta be careful…

because if I only see negativity, guess what that will do to my mindset and mental state?

It will ruin it and my positive outlook, and without that positivity, I won’t be able to continue on!

So, I need to balance things out with my heaven.

My heaven is made up of all the things I want, in the near and long-term.

My heaven will be built with my wealth triggers, affirmations, inspirational items/videos (inspiration can also be videos of the cool shit I want to buy or do), vision boards, and goal visualizations.

If you dont know what some of those things are, dont worry, they will be explained soon.

But, for our purposes, these are all reminders you of what I am working toward and why I don’t mind going thru a little hell now since I will have a lot more heaven to enjoy soon.

So far, I think the idea has legs…

I’ve noticed that both sides have pushed me to keep working when I wanted to stop, or to not give a half-assed effort.

Heaven and Hell motivation also seems to fit within the psychology books I’ve read, so I’m going to really dive deep into this.

I will keep you updated on my progress, because I will be launching something new very soon that will give you back stage access to how the sausage is made

(I love mixing metaphors)

But you can try your own version of heaven and hell motivation right now.

Let me know if it helps you to stay productive and on task during thee crazy times.