Yeah, thats a sentence my mentor said to me last night.
Let me rewind a bit, I got a text from my mentor and he was checking in on me.
Because I make myself somewhat visible since Im looking to coach other people, he keeps track of what I’m doing.
As he’s checking in on me, wishing me a merry christmas and all that good stuff, he asks about eh land business.
I tell him things are going well, but not as well as I would like.
He goes on to inform me that business for him is GREAT and he shows me some text messages and other proof.
He’s getting 20-50k deals frequently, but thats not the juicy part.
What he does that I need to get back to is 2 things.
First, He never uses title companies…so people are sending him 25-50k checks directly
This is pretty impressive on its own, and he was asking me why wasn’t I doing the same thing?
He said something to the effect “I showed you how to do this, you should be doing it too”
Hes 100% correct, but I’ve been letting people talk me into using title companies.
This is the 2nd point he made to me…
“You arent persuasive and they dont trust you!”
And there it is… I basically slept on some of the deeper things he taught me because in his words:
“people only implement what they feel comfortable with”
And perhaps he was right (its been a while since I was under his mentorship)
With that said, this was a cold shower reminder that this land business is VAST and if you aren’t getting deals, or the types of deals you want…
then its a good chance that “You aren’t persuasive and people dont trust you!”
if that’s the case, you are not alone, but I actually sat and made a plan with him on how to level up in this area.
You want to work together so I can share with you in real time the lessons I will learn and practice?
Let me know…
-Coach Vic
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