Tell the avg American you have a 2nd job, and what would their reaction be?
“Good job!!
“way to hustle, go get that paper!”
How fucked up is our society’s relationship with work that we believe that trading more of our time in for work is something to be admired?
It would be one thing if we were working to save lives or make a measurable impact on the world to make it better for all of us…
But most of us are not first responders or working on humanitarian aid.
Many of us are just an office drones or manual laborers.
The world isn’t a better place if the avg person works more…
In fact, it can be argued the opposite would be true.
Nobody is clamoring for a person to fill in more spreadsheets or put in a few more hours at the plant.
People are not happier when working more and its not like most of us are using the money to live out some wild and crazy dream.
This trading our lives for money so we can eat and have shelter is not the way to go IMO.
I get it tho, a lot of us need to have to work like crazy so we can have food and shelter.
This is why we all need a way to multiply what money we do get.
Investing is the key, and what better investment than raw land?
Not only will you multiply your money, but you wont need to trade your time for money doing it.
Maybe from where you are now, you need a 2nd job so you have enough to invest…
but that 2nd job should be temporary; just a way to kick start your land investing career.
So, if you have not started to take land investing seriously, it may be time to start.
You only have 1 life to live, why waste it working a job?
Why not spend your life doing what you love or making a difference?
-Coach Vic