So check this out, the guy wrote a note in a book’s margin claiming he’d found a great proof for this math theorem but didn’t have room to write it there.
Once someone found his lil “note” people tried to see if they could figure out what he was talking about.
For hundreds of years, other mathematicians tried to find a proof, but couldn’t find anything.
Many doubted that Fermat ever had proven it, thinking maybe he was just trolling the whole time.
Fast forward to the 1990s, someone DID find a proof, and developed all kinds of innovative new techniques to do so.
Now the question is, does it matter whether Fermat really had a proof?
Just the thought that it was possible inspired many people to try, and because of that, someone finally succeeded.
Maybe the important thing was how he inspired others to strive for something.
This shows how powerful belief can be…
its also a reminder that when our belief system is set on “CAN’T BE DONE!” or “I CANT DO IT LIKE THAT BECAUSE I HAVE X,Y,Z” we tend to lead lives of quiet desperation.
I see it all the time, people use the power of belief in ways that are detrimental to their success and happiness.
I wont call anybody out, but the way some folks approach land investing automatically tells me how they are using their belief system.
SO, are you using your belief system to help you succeed, or to help you maintain the status quo?