Have you considered the DAMAGE you’ve done by not taking action?

I’m not just talk about the money you DID NOT make (which is extremely important)
but, have you considered what it does to your self-esteem and self-worth?
What about the damage it does to your reputation and track record?
And also, think about what staying on the bench does to the people who are depending on you!
Check out this video I did with a Facebook marketing expert Mary Hamilton
(shes been helping me out a ton! her Facebook skills are top notch…you prob should get her help when you are ready to get your Facebook ads done right)
Anyway, Not only will you get a taste of what its like working with me
But, you will see the cost of sitting on the bench!
Before our conversation, she had gotten some leads face to face, but had no idea on how to close them.
So, she left the leads hanging for 6 months!!
But, then she talked to me, and I coached her on what to say and how to say it… and the results speak for themselves.
But, we also touch on what happens when you don’t take action!
Not just the money you lose, but the DAMAGE it can cause to the people who need you the most!
Its a short video, but the lesson is very powerful
Let me know your take away in the comments!