On the day of American independence, I want you to celebrate!
But, not just with fireworks and BBQs, but I want you to celebrate by declaring your freedom and independence from your normal life.
Just like how our fore fathers broke from from Britain, I want you to realize that you can break free from your current income and life.
The same fight we showed in the revolutionary war, you too will have to fight for this!
You will have to battle for your independence!
Start getting your land investing business up and running.
Put in the hours to learn your new side hustle, or get better at the one you have so you can scale it up.
Fight, by using your free time to learn new skills to help you make more money!
Fight the mindset that you don’t have time or you are too tired to invest in yourself and your future!
Sadly, just like an all wars, there will be some casualties…
…maybe your cable tv subscription has to die.
Perhaps there will be no splurging on stuff for a while.
Maybe what little free time you have will be gone temporarily.
But such is the price to pay for independence!
I promise you, its worth it, and you will see that when you have more time for your family and your true life passions!
Let me put it this way, how much more costly would it be to NOT invest in your future?
How much more “expensive” is your current life vs one that you designed yourself?
You can’t taste the delicious taste of an omelet without breaking a few eggs and getting your hands dirty first!
Want to get started?
I recommended looking to invest in land in the south east of the country.
Look to get proeprty that you can sell for around $5k….
Usually land like that can be acquired for around $1k or so.
If you look at the people who are tax delinquent, you will have a greater chance of finding a motivated seller.
If you do this right, you too will have the fireworks of independence celebration!
Need help with finding a good area in the south east of the country?
Reply to this and lets talk.
-Coach Vic