False Emotions Appearing Real





You may not realize it, but that is a acronym.

What does it spell out? F.E.A.R.


This acronym is pretty accurate, especially with the fears we have in modern society.

Now-a-days, we westerners no longer have to worry about being eaten by large predators, nor do we have to worry about a neighboring tribe suddenly attacking us.

In general, we live in pretty safe times…don’t let the “news” fool you with their fear mongering.

Here’s the thing to remember, real fear, you know the fear you have when you are in an actual dangerous situation is very important.

It keeps you alive!

But, the fear you may have when you start to feel some adversity in your business or even start your business is not real! 

The fear you think you feel before you do public speaking is not real.

The fear you think you feel before you have to pick up the phone and cold call a potential client is not real!

Its all made up in your head!

What I mean is that the feelings you have in those moments are real…

but the reason why you have them (physical danger) is NOT real

This is what I mean by False emotions appearing real.

The primitive part of your brain is hijacking the more modern parts of your brain, and making you feel as if there is a real danger to your life.

It’s as if there is a lion chasing you.

What is really happening is that your brain is imagining the possible or potential threats, and that causes the fear.

The longer you let this go on, the worse it gets!

To help put this in perspective, think about this.

Experienced sky divers love the thrill of the fall.

However, when they are on the plane, climbing higher and higher in the sky, they are the most afraid (or nervous).

The thing is, riding in the airplane is the safest part of the whole thing! Once they are out of the plane, and falling to the Earth, their fear stops, and they can enjoy the experience.

Its counter intuitive, isn’t it? Safe in the plane = fear, falling to the earth = safe? WTF??

Here’s the thing. Once your brain sees that the actual event wasn’t as bad as your imagination made it out to be, it just chills out, leaving you to enjoy the experience.

This is also true for athletes.

The crowds and and the opponents don’t make the athlete nervous during the game…when the chips are really on the table.

They are most nervous in the locker room before the game, When nothing has started yet!

This is your primitive brain jacking you up!

Same thing happens with you right before you need to make the phone call to that client, or need to talk to your boss to get that raise.

Wouldn’t it be great if you were able to just turn this off?

Well, that takes years of training, but there are ways to deal with it in the short term.

Ya see, one thing I learned form my time playing sports is something that  Grant Cardone explains very well in his 10x book.

To summarize, fear is hungry for your time, meaning that the more time you give into fear, the stronger it becomes.

It then becomes more hungry for more time and more mental energy.

Its a beast that never gets satisfied.

The key is to starve the beast to death! 

So, what do you do to starve the beast?

Well, its not difficult, often times, you just have to get moving before your primitive brain has time to react.

Once you do that, your brain will see that you are NOT in any real danger, and it will calm down instantly.

The beast dies.

Your more modern parts of your brain can regain control.

Just like when the sky diver is out of the airplane, or the athlete has started the game, you too must get yourself moving asap.

Give fear none of your time, and just jump in!

So take that public speaking gig, or take massive action to secure your future, or even calling that potential somebody for that date.

You just gotta do it!

1 thought on “False Emotions Appearing Real”

  1. Pingback: Listen to your coach – The Side Hustle Sherpa

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