ave you ever noticed that everything you do has a certain amount of risk involved?
I’m not just talking about making a land investment, but just about everything in life has risk to it (even the safe bets are not so safe)
For example, taking a new job can be risky because your coworkers, the day-to-day tasks, or commute may trap you into something awful.
Joining a new day-to-day gym can be a risk because of shitty gym mates and people who hog equipment.
Hell, buying a new car can be a risk because living with the car is not what you expected, but you already spent a ton of money on it.
The same goes for quitting your job to work for yourself.
I used to think being on my own was a risk…
That is until I compared it to my last job, lol
This was a job I grew to hate, even though I loved my colleagues.
However, that job was a risk to my health and happiness.
The stresses of that job changed my personality and my outlook on life.
I was miserable and made everyone miserable around me.
In 2019, after quitting my job (to save my mental health) I used to think I was avoiding risk by trying to figure everything out on my own.
That way I can save some cash since I wasn’t bringing in any money (I stopped land investing, remember?)
It’s no surprise that 2019 was the year I got into so much debt from lack of income.
Trying to “play it safe” just made everything worse.
In reality, all I did was take up more time trying to figure out confusing and conflicting messages from various sources on the internet.
It’s no wonder I would do things half assed or avoid things all together…I was avoiding facing my problems head on.
That attitude put me at a bigger risk, since I squandered what little time I had.
To make things worse, I beat myself up for not taking advantage of the time I did have!
I didn’t smarten up until March of 2020 when my mentor offered me a chance to start land investing again.
That’s when the confusion stopped for me.
That’s when I had a clear goal and purpose.
that’s when I was able to lean on someone who’s been where I want to go.
I also made a lot mess mistakes since I could learn from my mentor’s mistakes.
This all helped me get to that sweet spot much sooner.
Now, I was a lot more comfortable in my risk and therefore had a lot less stress in my life.
So, if you feel like you have been trying to do things on your own, yet you aren’t getting the results you want…
then I invite you to lean on this group to help you thru it.
Learn from our successes and mistakes.
Get inspired those who are winning in this group
Remind yourself that there is a better way, and you have the freedom to choose it!
Finally, remind yourself that no person is an island, and we all can win together!
Lets make this week a kick ass week!