Dont compare yourself to others

When we attempt to do anything new in life, we have a tendency to compare ourselves to other people.

Its only natural…we use others a measuring stick to see where we can be in the future, and where we should be presently.

However, the problem with that is that you don’t know what others have been thru to get to their current success level.

As you continue to grow and improve your business, you will look to others who came before you for help, guidance, and inspiration.

However, when you searching for the answers you need, you will notice others posting about their recent successes.

When you see that they have more success than you do currently, it may allow your inner nag to get louder and foster some negative thoughts.

But the thing is, you probably dont know how long they have been in business.

You dont know how many other side hustles they have tried before this.

You dont know how much time and effort they have put into this daily.

You also dont know if they have a natural knack for this and get results that takes most others more time and effort to achieve.

Im other words, you are NOT that person!

You are your own person with your own strengths and weaknesses!

You automatically assume that the other person has put in roughly the same amount of work…

…or that they are old pros and been doing it for years and made millions of dollars.

When those thoughts are going on inside your head, recognize it, don’t beat yourself up for having them…

…and then stop those thoughts!

These thoughts chip away at your self esteem (in your business) and more importantly your impair drive and work ethic.

The natural tendency is to think “man, look at what they are doing…why aren’t I getting those results? i guess I’m just not that good at it”

These thoughts can lead to your eventual exit from the business before your work can pay off!!

What you can do to help get over this is to go and ask that person about their story.

Ask about how much time they have put in to getting to where they are.

Find out how long they have been doing this hustle.

See what things they do to really lead to their current level of success and what things to avoid.

Now, this went from a moment to let your inner nag bring you down, to a moment where you feed your curiosity.

This leads to more inspiration and motivation!

You see that you can do it too!

As you can see, this isn’t just to satisfy your inner critic and you curiosity…

…but you will get a blue print of how to duplicate their success!

They will now become a stepping stone on your journey.

Now, in the off chance that the person doesn’t want to share, then I would bet that they are not really successful yet.

When you find true success, you understand that its unlimited.

People who have not had true success want to hoard all the info they find. They don’t know what works or why, they feel like their recent success is luck and not sustainable.

They are afraid someone will take their success from them! (lol)

Anyway, the point is, don’t let comparisons and negative thoughts get in your way.

You can control your thoughts, and you can take this situation and make it a great source of inspiration and motivation (hey that rhymed!)