Do you want to focus on a departure or a distraction?

“But but but..I dont have time to improve my self so I can guarantee success!”

How many times have you heard that phrase?

I’m sure nobody has hard that phrase exactly, (I least i hope that’s the case, lol) but you have probably heard something similar that sounds a bit more innocent.

“I want to make more money, but I don’t have any time”

“It would be great if  I was able to read more, but I’ cant because of the kids.”

“I always wanted to start a business, but I don’t have any money”


I’m sure some of these sound familiar.

You may have said one of these yourself.

Let me ask you this:

Do you have a commute to your job every morning?

Do you have a favorite TV show that you watch every week?

Maybe you follow your favorite sports team every game?

Perhaps you enjoy going to happy hour with co-workers?

Hmm, seems like a lot of time you do have available, but you choose to use that time with things that wont help you depart from your current life.

When I hear people say they dont have the time, or cant do something because of someone\something else, all I can do is shake my head.

It just tells me that they dont really want success, they just want to say they want it.

How do I know this?

How much do you spend on recreation?

I would bet that there is a lot of time in your day to do the things you needed to bring you success, its just that you didn’t recognize it.

Let me put it this way:

Would you rather listen to music on your commute or something that will teach you how to advance your career or side hustle?

Would you rather go home to watch your favorite TV, or watch a training video or read a book showing you a new skill?

A skill to get you out of your financial rut.

Would you rather go to lunch or happy hour with co-workers to complain about other coworkers like “Janice from accounting?”

Or put in a little work during those time periods to help you be able to quit your job and never have to deal with people like Janice ever again?

(no offense to my side hustlers who are actually named Janice!)

Would you rather HAVE to work until you are 65, or choose to work when you want, working on what you want, while earning more money?

The old saying is true: “When there is a will there is a way”

We all know this saying is true, but our problem is that we often choose distraction over departure.

In other words, we would rather do something to distract us from our everyday misery, pain, and problems, than do something to get rid of them!

What are you choosing every day?

Do you want to depart from your mediocre life, and live the life you deserve, or do you just want a distraction to get you thru one more dreadful day.

What if I told you that I can show you how to stop using distractions to get by and use real tools to actually depart and be free?

What if I told you there is a way to make money online that you can use without any tech skills.

What if I told you I have a way out for you right now, would you take it?