Maybe not the whole thing, but the 2 mins where Will Smith slapped comedian Chris Rock.
Why did he do it?
Well, some will say “ Chris Rock disrespected Will’s wife!”
But I will respond with “Will’s wife Jada disrespected herself brining private martial affairs in public and smearing Wills name in the process…” but that’s a talk for a different day
IMO, Will is going thru some things that are much deeper and he snapped.
I will also add, the slap Chris Rock received was probably meant for the man Jada was sleeping with or maybe Jada herself.
(no I dont condone violence on men or women for stuff like this, but these things happen)
The important thing is potential ramifications of the slap.
If you or I did something so childish on national TV, we would be in cuffs moments later.
The lawsuits of assault would rain down on you like hellfire.
The thought alone of the legal trouble would stop most of us from doing something so dumb….
Forget about being cancelled, we would lose everything with the lawsuits!
But Will Smith?
He walked ON STAGE to ASSULT a comedian!
Then calmly walked back to his seat, the started to swear at said comedian!
Chris Rock himself, took the slap like a man, was shaken up a second, showed some restraint and kept the show rollin!
He did not press charges against Will either.
Because both of these men have FU money (meaning they make so much money, they can basically do what they want within reason) they can have this moment and not worry about losing their home, car, career or anything else.
This is where a lot of people can get in life if they take land investing seriously.
Not only is the money in land investing really good…
But the way we do business does not require us to be in the spot light.
We dont have to “please” anyone except or next prospect.
and since theres a countless number of prospects, if 1 pisses us off or acts in a way we dont like, we can easily cut them off and serve the next person!
We also don’t have to make a bunch of videos on IG
We don’t have to have a following on twitter.
And we damn sure don’t need a YouTube channel.
All we have to do is send out some offers, buy some property, sell for profit.
All while working from home (or in the shadows) and making money sight unseen.
This is how someone like me or you can go around slapping people who make jokes and not be able to get “cancelled” or whatever.
If you are ready to be make F U money and never be able to be cancelled, click this link to book a call with me:
I will make a game plan to help you start this process!
Oh yeah, go to therapy so you can resolve your issues like an adult.
-Coach Vic