What about Buying things vs investing in things?
theres a difference, and people say they know what that difference is, but are they living examples of that knowledge?
Let’s rewind a bit, please answer this question: “Is $20k a lot of money to you?”
Imagine a property that is $20k (or $10k, or $100k or whatever.)
And don’t answer this the way you think you “should” answer it.
Follow your gut here…
Most would say, “Hell yeah, $20k is a lot of money.”
You probably can’t afford to just go out and ‘gamble’ $20k and lose it, right?
Now, answer this question: “If you became disabled tomorrow, and had $20k to live on for the rest of your life, is 20k a lot of money to you?”
Different vibe, right?
Suddenly it aint that much money.
When your perspective shifts from SHORT TERM to LONG TERM, every assessment and assumption changes with it.
In 2015 I learned a profound lesson and that was this:
Successful people make decisions based on VISION.
Who they want to be down the road, where they want to end up, what kind of life they want to lead, etc.
When you make decisions in the moment based on vision, suddenly theres a lot less confusion on “should I or shouldn’t I”
No more “shiny object syndrome” since you know what you need to complete that vision.
Theres no more “lack of progress” based on fear.
Dont get me wrong, fear will always be there, but it’s much easier to move in spite of fear when you have vision.
So, what does that mean for us land investors right now?
Well, what types of deals are you working on now?
How much are you looking to bring in each month or quarter?
Are you even working on any land deals right now?
This can be you actively contacting different prospects, or just doing something to earn/borrow the capital to invest in a property within the next 2-3 weeks.
Real talk, When I wasn’t doing the types of deals I really wanted (or at times I wasn’t doing any deals at all) I fell into a trap that all unsuccessful people fall into…
Unsuccessful people make decisions based on CURRENT CIRCUMSTANCES…
This short term thinking is the same reason why I couldn’t climb out of debt, or why my life was so stagnant!
I couldn’t see the forest for the trees because of my lack of vision!
If you would have asked me what my investing goals were, I would have said something like “I don’t have the money now, I’ll have it next week”
but that was a lie, since there was no plan to make or find the capital I would have needed for said investment
I was just hoping things would magically change.
How foolish I was…doing the same thing week after week and expecting a different result.
So, I challenge you to make a vision for your life…something that you really want, not what you think is possible from your current circumstances.
Figure out what you need to make that vision come true, and see how to take baby steps toward that every day.
Lets get it!