Have you ever wondered how some folks seem to have all the answers?
I used to be impressed by folks who always had some sort of magical knowledge about an industry.
Be it a way to say something deep and profound or just giving out cutting edge info.
But in reality, they did the smart thing and relied on a good “inner-circle.”
Whether you realize it or not, we all have an inner circle.
That’s the trusted group of friends who can act as advisors.
I hate to admit, but I used to give these roles to the wrong people!
In the past, my inner circle was filled by my closest friends.
This was all by default because they were just like me, so of course I liked hearing their perspective since it matched mine!
That obviously wasn’t very effective, lol!
Now-a-days, I have an inner-circle of trusted people in my land investing business.
Not all of these people are friends, and I often gladly pay them from their insight and lessons!
The money they save me from dumb mistakes makes it worth it, but the fact their advice and knowledge helps me to make more per deal is icing on the cake!
Now, a lot of information I share with you is from personal experience.
But I have to get that information from my inner circle first.
I shared with you my escape velocity strategy, but I didn’t come up with that on my own.
My coach and mentor Ken gave me the basics, and I made it my own.
As I refine it, I lean on others in my personal inner circle like Clint Turner and his awesome mastermind he runs
I also learn from people I taught, like Terri Beth.
When talking about Zillow and its platform changes, she reminded me theres always a solution to the committed!
But, don’t get the concept of inner circle confused with people who just blindly supports you.
I value an inner circle member that can keep it real with me, and also give tough love with its needed.
These people are ideally different from me so they can show me a different perspective.
Early on, I found folks just by being in the land investing niche, so thi is why I put this group together to help others do the same.
Later on, as I started to branch out and meet more people, I noticed I had access to other people who can help me from different industries.
For example, I’m now looking to incorporate some of the affiliate marketing friends in my land business to further serve my customers and leads.
I will go out on a limb and guess that you consider me as a part of your inner circle
So, as a trusted inner circle friend, I’m inviting you to get off the bench and get in the land investing game!
This means no more collecting information.
No more waiting for some day in the future to start land investing.
Don’t worry, I have your back, but I can’t prove that until you put yourself out there.
Because if not now, then when?
Let’s find pay dirt together!