Crab Stompin’

If you read my book “Get Off the Bench”

You will already be familiar with the term “crab people”

In case you dont know (because you didn’t read my book, shame on you!)

A crab person is someone who tries to pull you down as you try escape your current negative situation.

It comes from how a group of crabs trapped in a bucket will literally pull other crabs down if one of the crabs tries to escape.

Basically, if one crab is in misery, they will make sure any other crab will stay in misery with them.

I’m sure you can see how many people in your life who act like this with you.

side note: It’s no wonder why you dont share your dreams with people anymore

Anyway, understand you need to avoid such people.


Because their words and actions will affect you if you keep hanging around them

Even if you are aware of what they are doing, you will get consumed with their negativity!

It’s like swimming in a pool that the lil kids urinated in, and expecting not to touch the pee!

But, theres some good news.

The fact you are on this email list, taking advantage of my training…

As well as reading books and improving your high-income skills shows you 1 thing!

You are already stepping on and over all those crabs in the bucket of life…

Just make sure you dont let them drag you back down!

That’s why you need to stay with like-minded people

Use the resources I have for you, like the Get Off the Bench challenge

My Entrepreneur Answers and Accountability Group

(link here:

They are there to help you on your journey of entrepreneurship!

Anyway, stay tuned, I’ll have something else for you soon too!

I will be working on it this week, and you will find it to be very powerful and beneficial.

It will probably be my best training yet!

Stay tuned!