Congrats, you just played yourself…

As you know, to effectively walk away from your 9-5 job with confidence, you need to have the “5 rights”

1) The right business model
2) The right mindset
3) The right habits
4) The right skills
5) The right logistics

Today, I want to start from the top…the right business model.

There are a lot of details to talk about here, but right now, I wasn’t to talk about how so many people play themselves.

Often times, people look into getting a side hustle because of a few reasons.

1) Their reg job doesn’t pay enough
2) Their reg job doesn’t appreciate them (long hours, low pay or no recognition)
3) Their reg job is fine…but unfulfilling

Sure, you can add other things onto the list, but in my experience, these are the main reasons.

Anyway, once people get to their “rock bottom” because of debt, unexpected expenses, or they want more money for “fun stuff”

They look to find a side hustle to make extra cash.

But where most people go wrong is that they pick a business model because someone else made money doing it.

Real talk, all business models you hear about on the interwebs can work, but that dont mean they can work for you!

This is why so many people fail out of business…They pick something they don’t give a shit about.

That’s when I say to them “congratulations, you just played yourself!

You just created a 2nd job for yourself, except its low paying (sometimes costs you money) and frustrating job!

That means you are in something you don’t enjoy because you think it will pay you

(which is no different than your 9-5)

This will cause you to give up (like 95% people do)

Why? Because most people don’t have the energy to go thru the learning curve for something they don’t like.

People think it’s about willpower or the talent, but willpower is limited, and talent is not needed to succeed.

Think about the things you are good at, like your hobbies or something.

I’m going to guess you were not born with that skill.

Sure, you may have some natural ability in that area, but natural ability isnt enough to be good at something (it just helps you become good faster)

You had to put in time and effort to become good…you may not have seen it as a chore since you enjoyed the activity.

So, why do you think your land investing business should be any different?

Sometimes the way you invest in land itself isnt your JAM, but since its SOOO lucrative and helps you do great things in life, you can “make it fun

(I have a great exercise I give my 1 on 1 clients on how to do this by utilizing neuroplasticity.)

The reason why this is important is because business is fucking hard.

There are no short cuts or “easy” buttons.

In my opinion, People who want “done for you” shows me that they dont want to learn the ins and outs of business…they don’t even want a side hustle.

They want a lottery ticket!

They want “get rich quick” schemes

If that’s you, its all good, just know I won’t be able to help you.

The point is, you can’t quit your job with confidence if you don’t have a way to reliably replace your income.

To do this, you need to build up your business…and that means spending a lot of time and energy cultivating your baby…a baby you can be proud of.