Can you forgive me?
Ya see, Ive been teaching this land investing thing for a while now.
Since land investing is my primary source of income, I teach people as my way to give back and coaching seems to be in my blood.
Here’s the thing tho, since coaching was a “side hustle” so to speak, I didn’t really care too much if my coaching was accessible to everyone.
I have a lot of knowledge and I give so much of myself to my students, so I had to make sure I didnt over work myself.
Also, my teaching methods are still undefeated, so that comes at a price.
(you don’t have to take my word for it, ask anyone who’s learned the land game under me)
Anyway, with so much support, accessibility and knowledge at my students disposal, my coaching fees reflected the level of service people got.
Even if my services are a bargain compared to what you get, I know that my mentorship is still a luxury for many people.
(Again, since coaching was my side hustle, I didn’t really mind being so niche…besides, I have a land investing business that needs my attention)
But, lately I saw how many people were being led astray when it comes it land investing training.
I see a lot of people not getting deals.
I hear about the lack of support people get when they fall for a big gurus marketing hype.
Most importantly, I see such a low amount of money being made that I have to question wtf are they learning!
So, I decided it was time to really make an impact in this space.
Now, what I’m about to share isnt new, in fact, what I have cooking up started in the middle ages.
I’m talking about apprenticeships, and more specifically a land investing apprenticeship.
Now, many of you suggested this idea to me, so let me give yall some high level points on what I will do in order to bring your suggestion to life.
First, the entry fee to apprenticeship is on a somewhat sliding scale based on what you can pay.
The lowest that Im willing to accept will be a no brainer to sign up with such a low entrance fee.
Next, if you have the work ethic and can follow my teachings, theres a chance the entry fee is all that you will pay out of pocket.
That’s right, there is an opportunity for you to earn a scholarship throughout your time learning how to invest in land.
That will happen with either sourcing deals for me or we JV on deals…it all depends on the deal and the upsaide.
The deals you find must qualify for me to want it, but if you follow what I show you, that wont be an issue.
And of course, I will personally take you under my wing to become a certified land investor.
Here’s the catch (theres always a catch, lol)
No lazy people allowed.
The first sign I see of laziness I see, or first utterance of an excuse on why work wasn’t done will get you booted from the apprenticeship.
Next, if you don’t or can’t perform in the program, (even if you are working hard), you will get booted from the apprenticeship.
That means this is a high paced program where your performance is measured and evaluated.
If following instructions and showing up to meetings is tough for you, then don’t bother applying.
Finally, if you stop communicating with me throughout the apprenticeship…that’s right, you guessed it, you will get booted from the apprenticeship.
If learning and performing under these conditions are tough for you, then this may not be the opportunity for you.
But, If you have the time and energy to learn the land game and are ready to invest some cash…
this may be the thing you were looking for since there will be a low barrier to top notch training and support.
If this something you want to take advantage of, click this link and we can begin the process
I’m excited for you…let’s get it!
-Coach Vic