Broke Haters, Everywhere…

So, I fell down the YouTube rabbit hole again…

I was looking for videos on guys doing cheap honda builds to help me get back into the car building mode.
In case you arent into cars, a cheap Honda build is where a person looks to modify a Honda (or any car really) to perform a certain task using as little money as possible.
The task can be a really fast drag race time, or a high horsepower motor, or whatever the builder can do.
Anyway, I ran into one dude’s channel, his name is DIYMike. Not only does he have a few videos of his cheap builds, it turns out he’s one of us…an entrepreneur.
He makes his living on eBay…and so far, hes made over a million dollars!
So, I started watching car builds to and somehow wound up watching his entrepreneur videos, lol. 
The most recent one I saw was a video where he went thru his day as he runs his business.
As you can guess, he has a lot of free time, and he answers to nobody!  Its the type of thing I LOVE to see!
Anyway, the video itself wasn’t fine, but as you know, the comments can be a cesspool.
Man, so MANY broke people claiming that what he’s doing is a scam, or that he’s lying, and commenting on how he conducts HIS business!
Of Course there are others defending him, but they are just as bad in their repossess.
Why am I telling you this?
2 reasons.
1) When you start to achieve some success, people will try to bring you down. DON’T LET THEM!
2) This is a reminder that you can run YOUR business anyway you’d like. The only measure of success here is if you are generating profit!
Are you trying to be another broke person on youtube hating on others who weren’t afraid to take a chance?
Don’t be that person