If you want to learn how you can add a second stream of income, read on…
Ya know, when I first started in land investing, I only knew about 1 way to make money
Buy land cheap, sell it for “not cheap”
Later, I wanted to get better at selling my land, so I was googling ways to “sell better”
(that’s literally what I searched, don’t judge me, lol)
But, with that search, I stumbled upon digital marketing…
As I was learning about digital marketing, I decided to be an affiliate marketer for that holy grail of entrepreneurship…
Multiple streams of income!
But I found out pretty quickly that trying to do different business at the same time means that both businesses suffered.
I also learned that affiliate marketing IS NOT AS EASY AS THE ”GOO-ROOS” MAKE IT SOUND!
(can you tell I get pretty worked up about that affiliate marketing??)
Anyway, the point is that I would either spend a ton of time learning a new business model and the skills that go with it
Spend time with my old business, feeling like I didn’t have enough time to give the new business any time.
I tried to go back and forth between the 2 for a while
But It wasn’t long before I started to feel frustrated and anxious.
I stopped being able to relax and enjoy any success.
When I tried to unwind, I would feel guilty that I wasn’t making any progress in either business…
I didn’t know it then, but I realized I was heading toward burn out, and fast!
Learning copywriting and email marketing took a lot out of me, so I didn’t have anything left to find new parcels of land.
It was worth the effort in the long run, but I wish I focused on one thing at a time.
I essentially created another job for myself with the 2 business.
But it turns out, I had the multiple streams of income idea all wrong
Sure, you can have 2 completely different business bring in money
But what I do now is LEVERAGE the business and customers I have now for a new stream of income.
Sometimes this is just selling more than 1 lot to someone.The people who buy from you now already know, like and trust you…otherwise, they wouldn’t have purchased from you.
That means its easier to sell to them again.
I know their fears, concerns and problems, so I am in a great position to help them even further.
But, how can you add another stream of income to serve your existing customers?
I decided to create (or promote) a new product that solves a 2nd pain point for them.
I get a lot of people asking me if I have any plots of land that has some sort of house on it already…
I also know many people want to live on the lot at some point.
So, now I’m looking at ways to help people get tiny homes and mobile homes to pair with the property.
The plan is to be able to sell someone a property and help them live on it easier.
that’s 2x the value and 2x the income potential off the same sale.
I don’t feel like going into how to do that here because this post is already too long.
But, if you want to learn more, let me know