Attack of the Crab People!

Picture this:

Two people are trying to quit smoking.

One person, is surrounded with smokers.

Their spouse smokes, their friends smoke, and their coworkers smoke….everybody is like a meeting with Snoop Dogg!

The other, is surrounded with healthy people.

Their spouse goes to the gym, their friends go on runs together, and none of their coworkers smoke….

…maybe the person joins an adult basketball league to have fun and get in shape.

Who do you think will be more likely to quit smoking?

Of course, the one who is surrounded with people who don’t smoke.

Even if the first person WANTED to quit smoking, and they had more willpower than the second person, they would still fail!

Ya see, the folks you surround yourself with is much more powerful than your puny willpower.

I’ll say it again.

The folks you surround yourself with is much more powerful than your puny willpower!

You could want something and work for it extremely hard, but if the people around you don’t support your goals then you will eventually fail.

See, people are like crabs in a bucket.

Did you know that if you put a single crab inside a bucket, it could easily crawl out on its own?

But if you put many crabs in the same bucket… every time one tries to get out, the others will pull it back in so they can all share the same fate.

Man, crabs are some haters!

Every time you try to change your life or try to dream big…

Those punk ass “crab people” surrounding you will drag you down!

These are the people who tell you that you can’t do something, or that it’s unrealistic, or that it’s risky.

Do you have any “crab people” in your own life?

Maybe you don’t, and that’s great because it’ll be that much easier to succeed.

But if you’re like most people, you probably have someone pulling you down and holding you back in you life.

Real talk, if you stay with the same “crab people” you’ll be stuck in your life.

You’ll keep being a slave to the 9-5.

You’ll keep doing what other people tell you to do.

And you’ll be stuck in a place where nobody respects you or your time.

That’s why it’s so important to cut the “crab people” out of your life and surround yourself with winners.

Imagine for a second…

You got the chance to hang out with Elon Musk and Warren Buffett every weekend.

Would you life get better or worse?

Most likely better.

Would you make more money or less?

Definitely more.


Because you replaced the “crab people” in your life with geniuses!

And that’s what you need to do.

Now, since you are going to soon attend my mentors masterclass, you will be presented with the chance to join our facebook group that will be full of others who want to succeed!

They are people you can lean on when you feel stuck…

..people who can inspire you to think much bigger than you have been.

People who help you to follow and achieve your dreams!