Are you constantly seeking distraction in your life?

Be honest, when was the last time you read a book?
Did you know that the average CEO reads something like 4+ books a month, while the average american reads MAYBE 2 books a year.
And when they read, are they reading something that will help them grow, become wealthy, or more successful at whatever it is they do?
No, these fools read fiction like “Harry Potter” and “50 shades of Grey”
Don’t get me wrong, reading ANYTHING is better than wasting time with the income reducer we all know as TV, and the 2 books I mentioned are popular for a reason…
… but your life cant just be dedicated to entertainment and distraction from your everyday life.
Reading will help with so many things, but the one thing I want to point out is your ideas on how to scale your business.
Your creative juices really start to flow when you read a bit everyday…especially when you are reading books that will benefit you as a person or your business!
You don’t have to real whole chapters a day, reading 15 mins a day is fine (but also the minimum)
I know you have 15 mins! You spend more time smoking!
Anyway, starting your reading habit today.
A good suggestion that really got me going was “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” by T. Harv Ecker.
But, I digress…
The real question is, why are you in distraction mode?
What that means is that you live for the weekend, your favorite TV show, or anything that gets you to not think about your everyday life.
Maybe you drink a lot…or smoke too much?
Maybe you can only focus on your next vacation because work sucks, your coworkers suck, and you feel trapped.
The thing you have to ask yourself is why is your life so bad where you cant just sit back and enjoy it?
Do you have too  many bills, but not enough money?
Maybe your bad ass kids are driving you insane everyday?
The next question  question is…who is to blame for this?
If you answered anyone but “me” then you are wrong!
Its your fault your life ended up this way!
Things may happen to you, but you ALWAYS have a choice on how you respond!