A hobby or a profession?

Can I ask you a question?

Why do you think people treat their side hustles like a hobby?

In my opinion, it comes down to one of the greatest fears we have.

And that’s the fear of rejection 

As a side note, the top 2 fears are:
1) fear of public speaking
2) fear of rejection

Now, we all have these fears, so don’t feel bad if this resonates with you.

I remember when I first got started in my land investing career.

I wanted to make some side money for a new car (a Tesla)

So, I got a course for like…$1000 and went to work.

At first, I would just kinda watch the training

I would complain that its boring and I wouldn’t really apply what I was “learning”.

It’s no surprise that I made no progress in my business.

Sure, I was telling a few close friends about my plans for this side hustle

but what was I actually doing?


The reason why was because of that fear of rejection.

In this context, it’s the fear to not wanting to look like an idiot for messing up

or getting criticized by others (“see, I told you that you can’t make any money like that”)

the fear of being made fun of (“you spent how much on that course??”)

this fear caused me to play small and to minimize my effort

Luckily, my sports background had me look in the mirror early on and remind myself why I wanted to do this.

I also had to remind myself that early on, its fine to not make much money, because I was leaning a skill, and that can take time

But I knew if I applied my training methods to this new adventure, I would eventually succeed.

and it was that very same week I got my first offer letters out in the mail and got 2 of them accepted!

And the rest is history.

So, I’m telling you…if you been at this for more than a few months

but you haven’t made a sale, then I can bet you are playing small.

I can bet you are not treating your business like a business, but a hobby.

You should have your first sale in a month…maybe 2 if you were serious.

So, with your permission, I want to remind you of something…

Treat entrepreneurship like a hobby, it will pay you like a hobby…

Treat it like a profession, it will pay you like one…

Treat it like a way of life, it will pay you beyond measure.