I remember when the pandemic first happened, and we had to shelter in place.
At the time, I JUST got back into land investing.
As you have seen from my story, I didn’t have much money…
so I was worried that the pandemic would mess things up for me before I got started
Luckily, that didn’t happen, but the reason why will be explained another day.
Anyway, in my Facebook feed, I saw a lot of people looking to start side hustles because they were losing their jobs or getting reduced hours.
Unfortunately, for some, I had to be the bearer of bad news.
I had to let them know it was kinda too late for them to start a side hustle, it was best to find another job if they needed income ASAP.
If not that, drive for uber or postmates or do something else to trade their time for money.
I flat out said: “The best time to start is when you have income. You will need cash to invest in yourself and your business.”
“You will need time to learn the skills, find the right mentorship and develop the drive to keep going…this ain’t something you can just do overnight.”
I went on to say that “free info is great to get your feet wet, but it aint enough to get started for real! If it was there would be a lot more people making money than asking for ‘how to make money’“
This was hard for some people to grasp because they were looking for solutions to their income issues.
But I went on to say: “that’s why it’s called a SIDE HUSTLE…you do it on the side of your main source of income.”
This advice didn’t help people who were going thru a tough financial time because of covid, but it’s true.
I do know there are some people who have the grit and determination to figure things out when their backs are against the wall…
but in my experience, those people dont ask for a lot of help on facebook.
So, you may be wondering why am I bringing this up now?
Well, I see the world (The USA) opening up again, and people will soon go back to the status quo.
Back to jobs, back to not investing, back to living paycheck to paycheck.
The reasons why some people wanted to start their own side hustle will be gone, so a lot of people will lose that drive and work ethic.
I know you are different though.
You, like me want to be prepared for the next pandemic, recession, or low point in life.
You have a lot more drive and motivation, so nothing will stop you from succeeding
You vision for the future keeps you going everyday
I know this because you are in this group!
I just want to encourage you to keep going.
Keep learning the skills.
Fully experience and embrace the ups and downs of land investing.
Because its worth it.
As I write this, I got to spend the whole day with my family and I didn’t have to worry about money or anything.
All because I got on the phone a few hours prior and made a deal to invest in ever more land.
You can have this too, just stick around this group, and soak up this game like a beach towel (said in my E-40 voice)