8 things you need to consider when picking the right mentor

I mentioned this before, but if you truly want success, you need to model yourself after someone successful.

But, you cant just choose any successful person as your primary role model.

You need to choose someone who has the exact successes you want.

However, modeling and admiration from afar can only do so much.

You need to be able to talk to that person, ask questions, and allow yourself to be guided by them…

You need a mentor.

You can’t just pick any old mentor, you need to pick the right mentor.

There are many people out there that looks like would be a good mentor…but in reality they are terrible.

I have some stories I will share at a later date.

For now, lets focus on the things you need to consider when looking for a mentor.

Use this handy checklist I made, based off of my experiences with mentorship.

  1. The first prerequisite is to pick someone who has the success you want.
    1. This means they are doing something you want to do, and are good at it.
    2. For example, if you want to invest in real estate, your mentor should also already be investing in real estate, and they make a nice living from it.
  2. Your mentor should check in on you to make sure you are doing the things you need to do to be successful.
    1. They dont have to check in daily, but once a week a simple text or phone call can go a long way.
    2. It shows they care about your development, and that they are ready to show you more or answer questions you may have.
  3. Your mentor needs to challenge you. Like any coach or teacher, your mentor needs to help you learn the skills needed to be as successful as they are.
    1. They dont have to spoon feed you information, but they should point out what to focus on and learn, and some tips on how to learn it.
    2. Sometimes, they will sit you down and teach you like a class, but that depends on the mentor, and the industry you are working in.
  4. After your mentor teaches you something, they need to hold you accountable to make sure you learn it!
    1. This is also where the weekly check ins are used for.
    2. Making sure you are still on your path to mastery, or doing the things you need to so you can continue to make money!
  5. As your mentor holds you accountable, they should encourage you.
    1. They don’t have to be your biggest cheer leader, but, they need to help you stay positive, because they understand the things they are teaching you can be overwhelming.
    2. They remember learning this stuff and how tough it can be, so a lil empathy can go a long way.
  6. Your mentor needs to be organized.
    1. A sloppy mentor probably isnt as successful as as he lets on, and his disorganization will infect his mentorship.
  7. Your mentor needs to be reliable.
    1. This seems simple, but if you cant reach him when you need him, you will have problems.
    2. What I mean is that if you text or email your mentor, and he or she doesn’t respond, that’s a problem.
    3. If you cant trust he will do the things he says he will do, that’s a problem!
  8. You need to be able to relate to your mentor.
    1. This is more of a reflection of who you are as a person, and making sure you have a mentor who you can get along with.
    2. While its possible to work with someone you dont necessarily like as a person, it makes the whole process painful and difficult.
    3. This is why you need one you can vibe with. Also, the stories and examples will be ones you can relate with and will help you to stay encouraged and focused.
  9. Bonus! If your mentor has a website and training materials, it can go a long way.
    1. That way you can go thru all the things hes shown you at your own speed, and use it to help guide your path.

With that, said, I have done well for myself, and if you are looking for some mentorship or coaching, lets talk.